If you have questions
about any of our services,
please call Social Services at
(520) 792-1111.
Tucson Social Services
For over 100 years The Salvation Army Social Services has been a resource for helping connect those in need with the tools and means necessary for survival.
Services include: transitional housing, case management, emergency utility and rent assistance. Christmas toy distribution, Adopt-a-family, Discovery Camp and school supply assistance are also provided. We also assist with employment referral and training services.*
Hours of Operation:
Monday - Friday
Phone lines for utility and rental assistance available
Assistance is also available from our community partner: Arizona Baptist Children’s Services & Family Ministries (ABCS). Their New Life Transitional Program (NLTP) offers participants a stipend that can be used to pay rent, utilities and other basic living costs. Participants in the program receive free counseling and mentoring. NLTP also offer classes on parenting, relationships and life skills as well as a Bible study. For more information, please visit the ABCS website.
*These services are provided by The Salvation Army in collaboration with several agencies, including Pima County Community Action Agency and DES.