Operation Chill Out
Thank you for your
SUMMER 2024 donations and our incredible volunteers!
Your compassion in action helped us bring heat relief to
Tucson's most vulnerable all summer long!
Operation Chill Out
When temperatures reach the triple digits in Tucson, our community's homeless population is put in an even more dire situation, with little to no means to escape the sweltering heat.
Our Hospitality House staff and volunteers are putting their compassion into action with Operation Chill Out, going to local parks to provide relief with water, hats, lip balm, sunscreen, umbrellas, and light colored t-shirts.

Operation Chill Out Donation List:
Lip balm
Light colored t-shirts
Water saves lives!.
Hospitality House
All Nations Corps Community Center
1001 N. Richey Blvd.
Amphi Corps Community Center
218 E. Prince Road
The Salvation Army Tucson Hospitality House and
Corps Community Centers
also open their doors during regular operating hours to
provide indoor cooling and hydration.
Volunteers are needed to ride along with a staff member in our air-conditioned van to distribute cold water, snacks, hygiene supplies, and other heat relief items.
Volunteer commitment: Flexible, (Monday through Friday, only), but we do ask that volunteers try to commit to a particular day and time (if possible) so that we can ensure the success of the program.
Volunteer shifts are 2-3 hours.
Please contact our Volunteer Coordinator at 520-448-3997.
To make a donation by phone, please call (520) 795-9671.
Please specify Operation Chill Out.
Thank you for helping The Salvation Army serve Tucson's most vulnerable!